Tuesday 5 April 2011


Today I was free from lectures and was able to enjoy the 23° C sunshine on the Danube. I had stocked up on paint and returned to where I had painted before but decided not to use the same spot (which had been painted over) but to work alongside a two storey high piece who's concept was cleverly designed around the Wiener Ubahn map. I knew by working next to such a large piece mine would be dwarfed by its size but I wanted to work with some of the patterns and colours which the artist had used and bring these into mine as we both have a similar style. I also wanted to see that if by working next to a clearly respected piece, would my work last longer than a few days before being painted over?

Working alongisde and with the 7m high Wiener Ubahn piece

The painting went really well and I even managed to make some friends! I met a few artists who were genuinely fantastic guys. They were very pleasant and were great for some inside knowledge of the area and painters. I found out from them why were I had painted previously had not lasted; they told me it was due to the fact that it was the only part of the legal wall that could be seen from the Ubahn as it pulled into Schottenring station. They also told me about the artist who had painted the Wiener Ubahn map that I had chosen to paint next to, as well as having a number of other interesting stories to tell.

My Illusion piece - Unread Messages (Focus on the Orange)

Unread Messages Revealed

My piece was once again focusing on generating an illusion; within this hiding a message. It was a long day but once again the time flew past and my piece developed on. In the end I felt the colour scheme and style that I had chosen worked well, and by using some basic lines and colours from the neighbouring piece it tied in well with the spot. I used a few different techniques this time to break up the image and I fell that each time I paint in this new style I learn a little more. Overall it was a very successful day!

Unread Messages Illsuion, working into the neighbouring piece