Saturday 7 May 2011


The first week back at university flew by! On Monday morning I found myself the only person to attend Technic and Civilisation which worked out quite nicely for me as I had a one on one session talking through my essay plan and ideas, this was very productive and now am in the position where I simply need to get writing!
The next sessions that we had were part of the final leg of the Architecture, Construction and Settlement lecture block. The idea of block lectures is quite efficient as you receive a lot of information in a short burst and this leaves more time to focus on the tasks set.
On Friday I had to present my findings on Informal Markets, I had focused on the Tirol and informal markets such as slope side bars that have started to feature more and more over a number of recent years. The rest of the class had interesting ideas and each person had targeted and delivered their findings well. The presentations were done through a variety of media such as PowerPoint and film; what was the most interesting for me was how widely the topic was interpreted. Overall the sessions were productive and another task has been set based on reinventing the Km7 market in Odessa. I look forward to the new task and can not wait to start designing!