Friday 25 February 2011


Today I begun my registration at university. Initially we had to register online to receive a ‘sequence number.’ With this we were able to attend an introduction session with Dr. Pitzek. Walking up to the TU, the past few days of sight seeing disappeared from my mind as the reality of the situation hit home. We found ourselves waiting alongside a number of other students for Dr. Pitzek to call us in. The mood soon changed as he began to talk to us, I felt calm again; he explained that today was simply a chance for him to explain the process the university goes through with registering and for us to ask any questions that we had. He was clear and methodical and had a fantastic sense of humour. Any worries or nerves I may have had disappeared. At the end of the session we had to sign our forms and these were stamped for us, ready for our enrolment on Monday!

Later that evening we celebrated Taryn’s 21st birthday. A group of her friends had organised ‘Wein und Kaiser in Kandlegasse’. The common room space in Kandlegasse is a fantastic venue, with an open plan room equipped with a small kitchen, sofas, tables and a television. I arrived with my flatmate Victor to a jolly crowd enjoying the wine and cheese and we immediately began to get to talk and engage with the other students. There was a large number of students that I had not met before and once again the range of countries that people had travelled from was astounding. The evening flew by and we were ready to move onto a night club, the large group ventured on and we all enjoyed a fantastic night of drinking and dancing until the early hours of the morning.